Who Is My Enemy

Centered sets…

In Christianity, the critical question in terms of a centered set is not whether you have crossed the line and are in or out, but rather where are you right now in relationship to the center, namely, Christ? Are you facing Christ, or is your back turned to Christ? Are you moving away from Christ or toward Christ? Rather than merely asking ourselves, "Did I pray the sinner's prayer twenty years ago?" most Christians would be far better off asking, "Who is my Lord today? Today am I moving away from Christ or toward Christ?"1

The Holocaust is the major indictment of modernity's confidence in the power of human reason and the celebration of human progress. The perpetrator of the Holocaust was, after all, Germany, a society that reached its zenith at the beginning of the twentieth century. Germs held the bulk of Nobel prizes in science before World War II. German philosophers and theologians set the pace for these disciplines for almost two centuries. Likewise, German composers dominated the orchestral productions of the world's major symphonies. That a civilization as great as Germany could devote its industry, technology, medical resources, philosophy, and even theology toward the destruction of an entire race of people gave lie to the modern myth of humanity's inevitable progress.2

One aspect of postmodernism that has been much debated is deconstructionism. This critical method of interpreting the written word declares that the identity and intention of the author of a particular text is irrelevant to the interpretation of that text.3

Good idea…

Our church offers all-day seminars that tell the story of the Bible from beginning to end. These are immensely popular, and they help postmodernists understand the all-embracing story that encompasses everyone everywhere.4

On Universalism…

There are limits on the extent to which the biblical Christian can affirm diversity. In the Acts account, Cornelius was told by God to "send men to Joppa to bring back a man named Simon who is called Peter." Why did God (through his angel) command Cornelius to find the apostle Peter? Was it so Peter could announce to Cornelius and his family, "Cornelius, God wants you to know that you are already in the right with him. Cornelius, you may not realize it but you are already saved, even though you have not heard or believed in the gospel! Cornelius, you will be declared innocent before God on the Day of Judgment because it is enough that you are a God-fearer, that your family is devout, that you are charitable, and that you pray regularly"?5

Therefore, if we are to engage in the correction or challenge of a homosexual practice, we must be exceptionally gentle and gracious, refusing to stand above people with an air of moral superiority. Instead, we stand on the same level, speaking out of our own experience of brokenness and healing. In the words of the classic phrase, we must be like "one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread."6

Cal Thomas and Ed Dobson, in their book Blinded by Might: Can the Religious Right Save America? described the fund-raising approach commonly used by the Religious Right (that they, in large measure, helped to create). First, they identify an enemy—homosexuals, abortionists, Democrats, or "liberals" in general. Second, the enemies are accused of being" out to get us" or imposing their morality on the rest of us or destroying the country. Third, the letter assures the reader that something will be done: We will oppose these enemies and ensure that they do not take over America. Fourth, in order to help get the job done, the reader is politely asked to send money…7

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